Growing up, Eric Lindstrom was nourished to obesity on meaty sauces, fried eggs, and butter-laden cookies. After spending the first half of his life as an adamant omnivore, Lindstrom went 100% vegan. His book, The Skeptical Vegan is part memoir/part vegan survival guide and shows that anyone, at any age, can make radical changes in their life for their own health, for the health of the planet, and for the animals. For more information please visit

¿Es realmente posible convertirse en vegano de la noche a la mañana?
¿Es realmente posible convertirse en vegano de la noche a la mañana?

El siguiente es un fragmento de ‘The Skeptical Vegan’ (julio de 2017, Skyhorse Publishing) del bloguero vegano y antiguo consumidor de carne, Eric C. Lindstrom. Diciembre de 2011. Jen (mi esposa) ordenó una copia de 30-Day Vegan Challenge (El desafío vegano de 30 días, en español) de Colleen Patrick-Goudreau después de escuchar a nuestra amiga … Continuado

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