Kathy Plaza gained 50 unwanted pounds and developed high blood pressure after menopause. At the age of 68, hoping to avoid HBP medication, she decided to do something about it. She’s 75 now and still going strong with her WFPB, SOS-free diet. She wouldn’t trade her new look and vibrance for anything! She lives in West Grove, Pennsylvania with her pitbull Red and her cockatiel Rascal. Her hobby is playing bluegrass fiddle with her musician friends. She is the mother of four adult children, grandmother of eleven, and great-grandmother of three. She is a graduate of Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s Nutritarian Education Institute, and she passes on her knowledge of WFPB wellness to all who want to know how she did it.

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Basada en Plantas
  • 100% en línea, aprende a tu ritmo
  • Formato dirigido por instructores
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