Bill Tara has been a macrobiotic teacher and counsellor since 1968. He has served as the head of the Macrobiotic Teacher/Counsellor Review Board in both America and Europe. He was a co-founder of the Kushi Institute and Director of Natural Medicine at the SHA Wellness Clinic in Spain. Bill has been invited to 25 countries to present seminars on Macrobiotic Nutrition, Environmental Issues, Five Transformation Psychology and a variety of health and healing topics. His latest book is How To Eat Right and Save the Planet from Square One Press. He lives in the UK where he offers classes on WFPB nutrition and macrobiotics with his wife Marlene Watson-Tara. Visit his website

Diet & Human Ecology – How to Eat Right & Save the Planet
Diet & Human Ecology – How to Eat Right & Save the Planet

The wave of the future must lie in a whole food, plant-based diet that takes food preparation out of the factory and into the kitchen. It is the only way to create a healthy planet for both human and non-human life.

Food and the Environment: The Missing Link
Food and the Environment: The Missing Link

We all know that what we eat affects our bodies. What we often don’t fully consider, though, is the extent to which what we eat affects the environment. That must change.

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