Eugenio Viviani Rossi, also known as Dr. Toto, is a university nutrition specialist. He learned about plant-based eating in 2011 through intense individual searches to improve his way of life. He is the director of the Graduate Course in Vegetarian and Vegan Nutrition at the UNLP School of Medicine. Eugenio is a founding member of SAMEV (Argentine Society of Lifestyle Medicine). He created a work and study space called CENI (Comprehensive Nutrition Educational Center) which he has directed since 2014. Eugenio co-directs the Postgraduate Course in Plant-Based Nutrition, NUTRINFO, and the Postgraduate Plant-Based Nutrition in Sports, Nutrinfo . Physiology is one of his passions, so since 2015, he has been a professor at the Chair of Physiology at EURHES, National University of La Plata, Department of Nutrition. Eugenio has been an international speaker at different Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine conferences. Follow him on Instagram.