Jason Aragón has a degree in Sports and Exercise Science and a postgraduate degree in Public Health and Preventive Medicine. He has over two decades of experience working with wellness and health promotion programs at universities in Mexico and Latin America. He served as Vice President and President of the Mexican Network of Health Promoting Universities (RMUPS AC), collaborating with the Federal Health Secretariat (SS) and the General Directorate of Health Promotion (DGPS). He collaborates with PAHO/WHO in developing strategies for healthy environments in higher education, and he is currently doing administration, teaching, and lifestyle interventions with university students (nutrition, exercise, stress management, and addictions). He has also lectured internationally and is a personal trainer specializing in various sports disciplines. He is the founder and served as vice president of the Mexican College of MEV (CoMeMEV) and founder of the Latin American Lifestyle Medicine Association (LALMA).