Loumiry Sánchez is a plant-based chef who grew up deeply involved in the culture of Puerto Rican livestock farming. Her parents owned a lechonera in Puerto Rico—a restaurant where pigs are raised to produce pork products for human consumption. As she was completing her studies in sociology, Loumiry developed a passion for making the world a better, fairer place. It was during her second pregnancy, when her doctor recommended she make changes in her diet to combat her obesity, that her deep dive into healthy nutrition truly began. She completed an education in plant-based culinary arts and is a graduate of the Center for Nutrition Studies and eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate program, among others. She established El Grifo, one of the first plant-based restaurants in Puerto Rico, and recently founded the Academia Gastronomía Vegana—the first school for plant-based culinary arts in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. For more information, visit her web pages: www.elgrifopr.com and www.academiagastronomiavegana.com. Follow her on Facebook (El Grifo and Academia Gastronomía Vegana) and Instagram (El Grifo and Academia Gastronomía Vegana).