Marcela Manuzza is a licensed nutritionist passionate about the plant-based lifestyle and teaching. He began his undergraduate career at the School of Nutrition of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires. After being a vegetarian for more than 20 years, she transitioned to a 100% plant-based diet. Marcela has been a pioneer in promoting and educating this lifestyle in Argentina, the country of barbecue. She is a founding member of the Argentine Society of Lifestyle Medicine -SAMEV- @ Currently, she is the Director of the Postgraduate Diploma in Vegetarian Nutrition at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires in Argentina, where she is also a teacher in the Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition. She works as an author and national and international lecturer. Together with Dr. Toto Viviani Rossi, she works as co-director of the Postgraduate Program in Plant-Based Nutrition at NUTRINFO. She participates as a communicator in mass media such as TV, radio and news portals. Her daughter, gestated in a plant-based intrauterine life, also follows this dietary pattern, which has already become a family way of life. Follow her on Instagram.

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