Rachel Bordoli is deeply enthusiastic about lifestyle medicine and fascinated by the interrelatedness of issues in public health, dietary patterns and the environment. Having earned the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate, she uses this expertise, combined with her earlier scientific training and business background, to bring a whole food plant-based perspective to analyzing the food system, ongoing medical research related to diet and lifestyle, and international trends in dietary preferences and health outcomes. When she is not immersed in these topics, she can be found playing in the kitchen, lifting weights or open water swimming in San Francisco Bay. Rachel also serves on the board of the San Francisco Vegan Society.
Exploring what cutting-edge cancer research looks like today and what we can learn from viewing it through the lens of Dr. Campbell’s research on cancer.
A four-part documentary series about the twin study, You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment, debuted on Netflix. It has drummed up quite a lot of attention. The results certainly support the adoption of a plant-based diet, but there is still something lacking in the message they are sharing.
Aspartame is popular among people looking for a sugarless route to satisfying their sweet tooth, including people with diabetes, people on sugar-restricting diets like keto, and people who are trying to lose weight. But, is there a link between aspartame and cancer risk?
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