Growing up in south Arkansas, and being a third-generation “country doctor,” Dr. Sheppard has the honor and privilege to help provide medical care to long-term friends and family acquaintances. Being one of the founding partners of SAMA has also given him a sense of satisfaction for helping create a system of healthcare that is second to none in south Arkansas. Over time and circumstance, passions change, and while still a family physician, Dr. Sheppard is transitioning his practice to that of Lifestyle Medicine, which teaches evidence-based healthy behaviors that recognize the link between lifestyle and health outcomes. He is a Fellow of the American Academy of Family Physicians, a member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, and holds a Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition from eCornell and CNS.

La Encuesta 4Leaf: una importante herramienta de diagnóstico para médicos
La Encuesta 4Leaf: una importante herramienta de diagnóstico para médicos

Numerosos estudios en los últimos 10 a 20 años han demostrado que una alimentación basada en plantas puede prevenir y revertir muchas de nuestras condiciones médicas crónicas. En los Estados Unidos, estas condiciones representan aproximadamente el 80 % de nuestros costos de atención médica de 3,2 billones de dólares, sin mencionar el aumento de la … Continuado

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Certificado de Nutrición
Basada en Plantas
  • 100% en línea, aprende a tu ritmo
  • Formato dirigido por instructores
  • Sin requisitos previos
  • Créditos de educación continua