Maria Chatman is an integrative nutrition health coach and partner of Vitality 360, a lifestyle medicine practice in Los Angeles that empowers individuals to take control of their health by equipping them with the tools they need to experience optimal health and vitality. Maria previously co-founded a premiere children’s fitness company in New York City and worked with dozens of schools, nonprofits, and community centers to create wellness programs that provide children with a foundation for lifelong healthy habits. Maria is a regular contributor to US News Health and numerous other publications. Her certifications include, The Institute for Integrative Nutrition, CNS & eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate, American Council on Exercise, and Yoga Alliance.

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Certificado de Nutrición
Basada en Plantas
  • 100% en línea, aprende a tu ritmo
  • Formato dirigido por instructores
  • Sin requisitos previos
  • Créditos de educación continua