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T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

Bruce Mylrea holds a BA in Economics and is an AFPA Certified Holistic Nutritional Counselor. Bruce was the SCW male presenter of the year for 2017 as well as 2017 Lifetime Achievement Award winner for CanFitPro. Bruce and his wife Mindy have worked together for the last 15 years in the fitness and wellness industry and present both fitness programming and nutritional education together. He is a past student of the CNS and eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate.

My Whole Food, Plant-Based (WFPB) Story

In early 2012, a friend of my wife’s gave her a copy of The China Study, which I then read cover to cover on a cross country airplane trip. It changed my life. Just days prior to this trip, my doctor suggested that I go on statins because of my elevated cholesterol, never mentioning I might just change my diet instead. Dr. Campbell’s book convinced me to dump the awful Standard American Diet that I had been on for 52 years and transition to a Whole Food Plant-Based (WFPB) diet instead. Within 6 weeks of making that change, my cholesterol dropped by 100 points with no drugs whatsoever. I was thrilled.

Unfortunately, at the end of 2012, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. After surgical removal of my prostate, two rounds of hormone therapy, and two rounds of radiation, I am still battling cancer. I know my diet and lifestyle were the major contributors to me developing cancer. But I don’t blame myself; I feel EMPOWERED to let people know that cancer, heart disease, diabetes, or stroke simply do not need to happen and can for the most part be prevented by making some basic dietary changes. I am feeling better than ever and have a great outlook. I know that a WFPB diet is my best tool for fighting cancer.

My Advice for Beginners

Don’t wait until you get a chronic disease diagnosis to take control of your health. You are the ONLY person responsible for your health! Don’t be afraid. There has never been a better time to make this change in your life. There are thousands of delicious plant-based meals and recipes available online. Don’t rely on the medical establishment to provide you with nutritional guidance. Do your own research guided by non-profits like who don’t rely on the food, medical, or pharmaceutical industries for financing. My wife Mindy and I also provide a 9 hour training—One Day To Wellness—that offers a fantastic introduction to the WFPB lifestyle.

How I Achieved My Health Goals

The Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate is a gateway to enlightenment on what I feel is the most important issue of modern times: chronic disease as a result of poor nutrition. The knowledge I gained from the Certificate program changed my outlook and changed my life for the better. The program is the foundation that has allowed me help thousands of people understand the importance of plant-based nutrition.

How the Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate Impacted My Life

The Certificate Program gave me the knowledge and confidence I needed to change careers and become a full time, evidence-based, nutrition advocate and public speaker. I can’t thank CNS enough.

Finally, I also want to let Dr. Campbell know that he has been a personal inspiration and a true hero to me. His intellect, pure scientific mind, and his perseverance in standing up to entrenched monied interests in the academic, government, and professional world is simply unparalleled. He deserves a Nobel Prize.

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