Webinars » Spotlight on Health Webinar – No Bones About It – Diet and Bone Health
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    Strong bones are essential to good health. They give us the gift of movement and protect our vital organs. However, as we age, both women and men face an increased risk of arthritis as well as osteoporosis—bone thinning that can lead to fractures. Even more concerning is that the standard American diet can contribute to the progression of both conditions.

    Join Drs. Victoria Collazo and Amy Lanou on Wednesday, January 17th @ 7pm ET for a discussion on how diet directly affects bone health, how to get enough calcium in the diet to help build strong bones, and how a whole food, plant-based diet can help improve bone health for the long haul.

    Can’t make it live? No worries. We’ll send a recording to all registrants a week after the event so you can watch it at your convenience.

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