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Judy Perkins DeLorenzo
Judy was chronically ill for over a decade with a myriad of symptoms. Eating a plant-based diet without soy, corn, modern wheat, and yeast was instrumental to her recovery. She published a cookbook and healthy eating guide, From Chronically Ill to Vibrantly Well: Recovery Through a Plant-Based Diet, to help others begin or continue their journey towards conscience eating and vibrant health. Growing, cooking, and preserving fresh organic vegetables has been Judy's lifelong passion; her husband Jamie is the (micro) farmer and she's the (micro) farmer's wife. Judy is a graduate of the CNS and eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate program. You can view recipe photos and learn more at
I gave this warming soup an anti-inflammatory “flavor” by adding ingredients commonly known to reduce inflammation, ingredients that also pair well with beta-carotene rich butternut squash and carrots. Healthy and delicious –– such a winning combination!