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I trained as an osteopath thirty-five years ago and joined with a doctor and other natural health therapists to establish the first Holistic Health Centre in the south of England. I also trained as a Buteyko Educator (breathing educator) fifteen years ago because I was convinced about the vital role breathing plays in health and disease.
Although I knew that diet was fundamental to our health, I could not bring myself to train in the field of nutrition because I saw the whole application of dietary practice as a “can of worms.” Every year, dietary recommendations seemed to change, depending on the latest fashion or the latest best selling weight loss book.
The China Study offered a simple dietary concept that didn’t need multiple supplements, calorie counting, complex sequential eating of macronutrients, or a dietary adjustment according to blood type.
Finally, I found the research I had been looking for. The China Study offered a simple dietary concept that didn’t need multiple supplements, calorie counting, complex sequential eating of macronutrients, or a dietary adjustment according to blood type. It boiled down to eating all you want (while getting lots of variety) of any whole, unrefined plant-based foods. I was so impressed with the book’s message, I enrolled in the Center for Nutrition Studies Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate program powered by eCornell. I now offer dietary screening to all my patients using the 4Leaf Survey from J. Morris Hicks, former Board Member of the Center for Nutrition Studies and author of Healthy Eating, Healthy World.
The program was without a doubt the best educational course investment I’ve ever undertaken.
With my structural osteopathic therapy, my breath training, and now the whole food, plant-based diet recommendations, I now offer a more effective, holistic health promoting service to my patients. A million thanks to Dr. T Colin Campbell, eCornell, and the Center for Nutrition Studies for giving me this great tool for achieving optimum health. The program was without a doubt the best educational course investment I’ve ever undertaken.
Now I look forward to the day that when a patient asks their doctor “Could my diet be the problem?” The doctor will offer to give them the 4Leaf Survey screening and some whole food, plant-diet recipes!
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