Natural Gourmet Institute is a leader in health-supportive culinary education and has graduated over 2,500 chefs from over 45 countries. NGI provides exceptional, innovative and interdisciplinary health-supportive culinary education. Rooted in Dr. Annemarie Colbin’s seven criteria for food selection (which state that food should be seasonal, local, whole, traditional, balanced, fresh and delicious) their curriculum empowers chefs, individuals and communities to be leaders in the conversation about food and wellbeing through the preparation of healthful and delicious meals.

Corteza de chocolate
Corteza de chocolate

La chía, el sésamo y las semillas de calabaza dan vida a este fácil pero fantástico postre vegano de chocolate junto con avellanas, pistachos, rodajas de naranja y cardamomo.

Habichuelas con tahini
Habichuelas con tahini

Las habichuelas levemente cocidas y combinadas con cremoso tahini y salsa de soya shoyu un poco salada hacen un acompañamiento vegano perfecto para cada comida.

  • 100% en línea, aprende a tu ritmo
  • Formato dirigido por instructores
  • Sin requisitos previos
  • Créditos de educación continua