Topics » Food Sustainability » Food and Politics – How To Take Action & Support Sustainability Efforts for Our Future
T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

The following is an excerpt from a T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies online course.

“People who study global environmental problems are nearly unanimous in their opinion that our lack of progress on fixing the problems is due to a lack of strong leadership by elected officials – this is what has held us back from walking down the garden pathway. In my opinion, it is super unlikely that our leaders are ever going to lead us forward to a better world unless they get a hard push from all of us. I have observed that nothing socially-just has ever come about from top-down leadership, but rather from the bottom-up demands for change by a civically engaged citizenry. Real change is derived from citizens coming together and demanding a world that is fair and just for everyone. Shining examples of bottom-up change include: gaining the right to vote for women in the United States, obtaining equal civil rights for African Americans, ending apartheid in South Africa and gaining Indian independence from Britain. If we want a sustainable environment I believe it will have to come about the same way — from the bottom-up; from all of us raising our collective voices and demanding fairness for all — including fairness for future generations.” – Bruce Monger, PhD

Where do you fall on the continuum of sustainability as it relates to food and politics?

* Please answer below in the comment section.

A. Absent: no involvement with political organizations or engagement with political processes like voting.

B. Aspiring: recognition that political processes can lead to political change yet perhaps not sure how to engage with political processes or movements further.

C. Active: voting and following the news to stay aware of what is happening locally and around the world.

D. Ambitious: continually learning and staying up to date with local, national, and international news to better understand how to enact political change within one’s community; voting every election cycle as well as actively participating with various political movements to push elected leaders towards social and environmental sustainability.

How You Can Take Action

Together we can speak truth to power and expose those who endanger the health of people and the planet for corporate profit. We can organize to build political power and campaign to change the rules of our economic and political systems that create injustice and destroy nature. The following organizations provide ways you can get involved and take action:

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