Margarita Restrepo’s boyfriend and musician partner was a seemingly healthful, fit, and avid athlete; however, in May 2011, he was diagnosed with GBM, an aggressive stage IV brain cancer that took him away in only 8 months.
Margarita conducted extensive research into how to help her partner fight the cancer. They both adopted a plant-based diet, and according to Margarita, this helped decrease his tumor development by 25%; but it was not until after he passed away that she discovered the T. Colin Campbell Foundation (now the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies).
Margarita then enrolled in the Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate Program offered through eCornell. She has an enormous gratitude towards Dr. T. Colin Campbell, because the course changed her “consciousness toward the world.” Now Dr. Campbell is her hero. Although during the classes she felt completely frustrated that this information was not available in time to possibly aid her boyfriend, it has certainly improved her own health and wellbeing (but that’s another story).
She continues to hear Dr. Campbell’s teachings in her head. “He is such an inspiration,” she says. Dr. Campbell gave her the answer she was looking for, and a reason to keep going. “I wish I would’ve known this information before… The course saved my own life.”
Since she could not easily find this life-changing information, she is now dedicated to readily sharing it with others. In honor of her boyfriend, and those who have passed from such chronic disease, Margarita is offering a beautiful, online publication called Naked Food Magazine. This publication proposes the lifestyle switch from the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) to the New American Kind & Enlightened Diet (N.A.K.E.D.), by eating organic, non-GMO, low-fat, whole, plant- based foods.
To learn more about Naked Food Magazine click here.
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