Join the Pioneer of Whole Food, Plant-Based Nutrition

“Everyone in the field of nutrition science stands on the shoulders of Dr. Campbell, who is one of the giants in the field.”—Dean Ornish, MD

Earn Your Plant-Based Certificate
T. Colin Campbell, PhD

T. Colin Campbell has revolutionized how we think of nutrition for decades. Now—for the health of our bodies and the world’s communities, for the restoration of ecological balance—it’s time we put that knowledge into practice.

T. Colin Campbell, PhD working in a lab

Over 350 research publications, most of which are peer-reviewed

An endowed chair at Cornell University, and the lead scientist on The China Study

“The Grand Prix of epidemiology.”—New York Times

Deepen Your Knowledge With Our

Plant-Based Nutrition
  • 23,000+ students
  • 100% online, learn at your own pace
  • No prerequisites
  • Continuing education credits
  • Interaction, engagement, and nonjudgmental support
  • Delicious WFPB oil-free recipes
  • Practical strategies that have worked for our community members... and can work for you
  • Weekly live Zoom interactions with other members of the community
  • Whole Food, Plant-Based Wellness Challenges
  • The guidance of our highly engaged, knowledgeable, and warm-hearted community hosts

Upcoming event 04/05/2025

WFPB Cooking: Bread Baking 101

In Whole Food, Plant-Based (WFPB) Cooking: Bread Baking 101, you will learn the fundamentals of baking with whole grains and other minimally processed plant-based ingredients. We will explore how to choose and incorporate numerous flours, seeds, and natural sweeteners; we will also touch on the nutritional benefits of WFPB bread. You will learn essential bread-making techniques—such as mixing, kneading, and proofing dough—and methods for achieving the perfect crust and crumb. Participants will practice WFPB baking techniques by making various breads, including whole wheat loaves, flatbreads, and rolls, and will learn to create flavor using herbs, spices, and other healthy plant-based ingredients. You will also learn how to troubleshoot common issues, such as a dense texture or a lack of rise. By the end of the class, you will have the skills to bake healthy plant-based bread from scratch and experiment with your own recipes.


Upcoming event 04/09/2025

Spotlight on Health Webinar – How to Eat to Treat and Beat Breast Cancer

Join Dr. Michael Hollie on Wednesday, April 9, for an eye-opening and inspiring conversation with Dr. Kristi Funk, a board-certified breast cancer surgeon and physician, best-selling author, international keynote speaker, and women’s health advocate. Dr. Funk opened the Pink Lotus Breast Center in Beverly Hills, California, in 2009, which was the first breast cancer center of its kind at the time. Whether teaming with celebrities to educate about breast cancer, hosting her wildly successful PowWow podcast, writing blog posts for the Pink Lotus Power Up Community, or preparing for her yearly Cancer-Kicking Summits, Dr. Funk champions plant-based nutrition as a foundation for both preventing and treating breast cancer. Whether you are new to the whole food, plant-based lifestyle or a seasoned pro, you can learn from Dr. Funk’s extensive experience and passion for helping women. We hope to see you there!


Upcoming event 05/17/2025

The Total Health Experience: Eat, Play, Learn

The T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies is excited to present its Caribbean Beach immersion program at the Gran Ventana Resort—the perfect opportunity to relax, focus on wellness, and connect with a supportive community.


    Join our free online community to:

  • Attend monthly workshops led by our inspiring grant recipients
  • Learn from successful community groups around the world
  • Network with advocates for regenerative food systems
  • Obtain resource guides and other actionable tools
  • Learn how you can become part of the solution

Beef Tallow for Health: A Political-Commercial Farce

Is beef tallow healthy? Setting the record straight on all the press and speculation.

Nutrition Science

When Unhealthy Is Normal: The Social Spread of Disease (Video)

In the following video, Thomas Campbell, MD, discusses how numerous unhealthy behaviors and outcomes can spread through personal networks, even as far as three degrees of separation. As you watch the video, consider the flip side. If social connections are conducive to unhealthy outcomes, why not also health? What might this signal about the potential … Continued


The Psychological Toll of Living with Preventable Disease

Although we all know on some level that the state of health in the US is not in a good place, it can be difficult to quantify exactly what that looks like. There are multiple layers of failure, and some are more immediately apparent than others. The physical challenges of living with disease are the … Continued

Social Issues

How Annice Transformed Her Life and Health with a Plant-Based Diet

I am not perfect, but I would like to be. It seems that every story about whole food, plant-based (WFPB) nutrition I read in magazines or books or hear on podcasts celebrates someone who discovered the diet and suddenly changed their lifestyle, losing an astounding amount of weight. I envy their resolve and don’t understand … Continued

Success Stories

Fish Farming and Aquatic Life

Aquatic ecosystems worldwide are facing severe challenges according to nearly every available metric. Recent reports indicate that shark and stingray populations have been halved since 1970, trends which echo earlier studies showing a 49% decline in fish populations between 1970 and 2012.[1][2] Today, nearly 90% of global marine fish stocks are fully exploited, overexploited, or … Continued

Food Sustainability

What Makes Animal Protein High Quality?

How have different proteins been measured historically, and are these measures useful when assessing the healthfulness of foods today? And, is animal protein high-quality?

Nutrition Science

Community Is an Essential Health Need

Psychologists and sociologists have long known how important a sense of belonging is for overall welfare. “[It] is a powerful, fundamental, and extremely pervasive motivation,” write the authors of an article published in Psychological Bulletin.[1] Abraham Maslow, the psychologist famous for conceptualizing the hierarchy of needs, which he published in his 1943 paper “A Theory … Continued

Social Issues

What You Order Might Be Influencing Strangers

We might expect our food choices to affect the choices of those around us and vice versa. But do we appreciate how significant this effect can be? Are some people’s dietary choices more susceptible to social influences than others? Is there a limit to that influence? These are just a few of the questions researchers … Continued

Social Issues

Plant-Based Breakfast and Brunch Ideas

Are you looking for tasty and healthy recipes to start your day? These plant-based breakfast and brunch ideas, made with minimally processed ingredients, are the perfect way to kick off your morning with energy and flavor.

In The Kitchen