The greatest medical fear of our century is not an infection, heart disease, or even cancer. It is Alzheimer’s disease, one of the most costly, insidious, and demoralizing conditions imaginable. It affects the individual, the family, and the community at their essence, at the level of the self. And it is threatening to overtake our healthcare system. Already, Alzheimer’s is one of the most expensive diseases, costing the nation well over $300 billion annually, and its cost is expected to rise to more than one trillion in the coming decades. [1] Its prevalence and mortality are also on track to rise substantially during the coming decades. It is one of the fastest-growing epidemics. [2]
We estimate that at least 90 percent of Alzheimer’s can be prevented and that the means to do so has been in plain sight. The same factors that affect the heart and other organs affect the brain. [3] This small organ, which constitutes 2% of our body weight but uses at least 20% of its energy, is very susceptible to vascular risk factors, inflammatory factors, and oxidative byproducts, all of which can be controlled by dietary lifestyle. [4] The brain’s capacity to grow and connect also gives it incredible restorative capacity. [5]
In our book The Alzheimer’s Solution, we reviewed and summarized over 300 peer-reviewed articles and brought our experience working in a comprehensive dementia clinic and conducting clinical research to bear on this question of what can help prevent cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s. What did we learn from all those sources? There is no question that a life filled with physical and mental activities, restorative sleep, stress management, and a whole food, plant-based diet low in sugar is profoundly effective for keeping our brains vibrant and active throughout a long life.
In addition to working in the clinic or the lab, we volunteer in underserved communities through our Healthy Minds Initiative. For us, Alzheimer’s disease is a battle for the soul and dignity of our aging society. So, when we hear information taken out of context, cherry-picked, or willfully misinterpreted to create a following or serve a particular agenda, we view it as an attack on all those communities we consider family.
This is why we are especially interested in unfounded claims about the ketogenic diet, which has recently become very trendy. Apart from the evidence for its efficacy as an adjunctive treatment for particular types of epilepsy, the ketogenic diet’s effect on cognitive health and the prevention of Alzheimer’s is unconvincing. [6]
The diet does temporarily affect brain cells by shifting away from glucose as the primary energy source; when the body’s preferred fuel source (glucose) is in short supply, the brain can instead use ketones. [7] But this shift can have long-term damaging effects. The path to achieving a ketogenic diet, which often leads to glucose and lipid dysregulation, has repeatedly been shown to create harmful byproducts, as well as deposition of amyloid and tau proteins, which are known to be strongly associated with end-stage Alzheimer’s disease.[8]–[13]
The evidence could not be more disproportionate on the side of the whole food, plant-based diet. So, why do so many believe the ketogenic diet holds promise for combating Alzheimer’s disease? The diet’s popularity owes a lot to anecdotal appeals. The burden of proof should be on those presenting anecdotal evidence, but this is rarely demanded in the media and the general public discourse.
The dysregulation of fats and glucose metabolism, resulting in inflammation and immune dysregulation, ultimately leads to Alzheimer’s.[14]–[17] The short-term ostensible gain in energy ends up costing the neurons dearly in the long run and most likely shortens lives. This cause is so important, and we need to empower communities in their fight for their mental health. There is no question that a whole food, plant-based diet helps maintain our most vital organ well into our 80s, 90s, and beyond.
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