Nicolette Richer is a Regenerative Medicine Educator, entrepreneur, author, Doctoral student and speaker. She is a savvy wellness facilitator and a renowned environmental and sustainability expert, with an insatiable desire to learn and educate. Nicolette transforms people with chronic disease or cancer into conquerors of their condition through nutrition. Nicolette speaks regularly to captivated audiences about healing cancer + chronic disease through nutrition and detoxification. She is a graduate of the CNS and eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate program. She is also the Founder and CEO of The Green Moustache Juice Co. Inc.
This silky, spiced pudding is a healthy, modern twist on a fall classic. The hardest part about this recipe is waiting for it to cool down before eating it.
While we prefer watercress, this tasty slow-and-low-cooked dish can be combined with any type of raw, leafy greens. It’s not only a versatile salad; it’s also stunningly beautiful.