Thomas M. Campbell II, MD is a physician, a best-selling co-author of The China Study, researcher, and educator. He has developed groundbreaking clinical and research programs at the University of Rochester and has worked with many hundreds of patients to prevent and treat illness using optimal diet and lifestyle. He is also author of The China Study Solution, the practical “how-to” guide to implement the China Study recommendations and course co-author of the extremely popular Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate offered by the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. Dr. Campbell is a graduate of Cornell University and went on to get his medical degree from the University at Buffalo School of Medicine. He completed residency training in Family Medicine at the University of Rochester, Highland Hospital. He has published multiple papers in the scientific literature and has presented widely on the topic of plant-based nutrition. He has completed multiple marathons.

12 Frightening Facts About Milk
12 Frightening Facts About Milk

A large observational cohort study[1] in Sweden found that women consuming more than 3 glasses of milk a day had almost twice the mortality over 20 years compared to those women consuming less than one glass a day.

How Sweet is a Sweet Potato? Pretty Sweet!
How Sweet is a Sweet Potato? Pretty Sweet!

Sweet potatoes are a super food that I have only recently come to appreciate. While preparing a lecture on heart disease epidemiology, I found reports of several traditional cultures known for avoiding heart disease that subsist largely on this delicious tuber. In fact, a 1978 paper[1] cited a dietary survey finding that sweet potatoes supplied … Continued

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