For decades T. Colin Campbell, PhD has been at the forefront of nutrition education and research. Dr. Campbell’s expertise and scientific interests encompass relationships between diet and disease, particularly the causation of cancer. His legacy, the China Project, is one of the most comprehensive studies of health and nutrition ever conducted. Dr. Campbell is the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University. He is also the founder of the highly acclaimed, CNS and eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate and serves as the Chairman of the Board for the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies.

Dairy Protein Causes Cancer – Dr. T. Colin Campbell
Dairy Protein Causes Cancer – Dr. T. Colin Campbell

Some chemicals in our environment qualify as carcinogens. That is, they cause cancer, based on testing them in experimental animal studies according to criteria set forth by our government.

Casein is a Carcinogen – Dr. T. Colin Campbell
Casein is a Carcinogen – Dr. T. Colin Campbell

I have long been interested in the association of food with human health, ever since I entered my graduate studies program at Cornell University in August of 1956.

China Project Ignored and Cancer Rates Soared
China Project Ignored and Cancer Rates Soared

Yes, this is sad. Science is a fleeting thing and very few people who worship the contemporary system, want to hear the message that we are promoting.

Low Carb Hot Air—Again, again and again!
Low Carb Hot Air—Again, again and again!

Quite a few people have asked for my comments on the Bazzano study Effects of low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets recently reported in the NY Times.

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