Topics » Social Issues » Restaurant Campaign Will Bring Plant-Based Options to More Menus
T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

According to the Center for Disease Control, chronic diseases and conditions—such as heart disease, stroke, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and arthritis—are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems, and more than half of all American adults have at least one of these conditions.[1] These chronic illnesses have been shown to improve and even to be reversible by the adoption of a whole food, plant-based diet. With 6% of the U.S. population now identifying as vegan (up from 1% in 2014), and 30% leaving meat off their plates altogether and seeking out plant-based alternatives,[2] the time is ripe for the PlantPure Communities Restaurant Campaign.

The PlantPure Communities (PPC) Restaurant Campaign aims to get every restaurant across the nation, and the globe, to offer on their menu at least one plant-based, oil-free meal. The Campaign is part of PPC’s larger initiative to share the health and empowerment message contained in scientific nutrition research, much of which was led by T. Colin Campbell, PhD, as detailed in his book, The China Study. According to Dr. Campbell, “The scientific evidence is now clear and convincing – the standard American diet, which is low in whole plant-based foods and high in animal based foods, added fats and refined carbohydrates (sugar, refined flour) is the single largest contributor to America’s healthcare crisis. As more doctors are now prescribing no meat/no added fat dietary prescriptions for their heart disease and diabetic patients, the PlantPure Communities Restaurant Campaign is aligning with mainstream Americans who wish to adopt healthy eating while dining out.”

The Restaurant Campaign is supported by a virtual Toolkit on PPC’s website which offers resources for restaurant owners and managers, as well as local residents who are inspired by the Campaign to promote change in their neighborhoods by going restaurant-to-restaurant. Nelson Campbell, who is Dr. Campbell’s son, produced the PlantPure Nation film, and founded the nonprofit PlantPure Communities, said, “If we are going to transform the world around this health message, we need to work in a grassroots way, which is what this restaurant campaign is all about.” The Toolkit includes documents tailored to restaurant owners/managers, explaining the difference between vegan and vegetarian options, and tips on how to add healthy, delicious meals to their menu. It also includes a roadmap to help local residents approach restaurants, and strategies to get the word out about new healthy offerings – via HappyCow and other apps. Participation in the Campaign and access to the Toolkit are free.

Vinum Restaurant Owner, Massimo Felici, with PPC Restaurant Campaign Certificate

Vinum Restaurant Owner, Massimo Felici, with PPC Restaurant Campaign Certificate

Restaurants who achieve the meal standard are eligible to receive a Certificate of Participation from PlantPure Communities that they may display on the premises. John Salley, the four-time NBA Champion who flew in from LA to join PPC for the Press Conference said: “As more restaurants begin offering plant-based options with no oil, we will all have a greater chance of improving our health, the health of the planet, and the welfare of animals. I’m so glad to be part of this Campaign with PPC. Growing the access to healthy food is literally changing the game for athletes–with NBA players on the road all the time, increasing the healthy plant-based options means that players will be more likely to find healthy options to support their health and wellness goals!”

Vinum Restaurant Owner, Massimo Felici, with PPC Restaurant Campaign Certificate

Plant-based, oil-free language on Everything Goes Book Cafe Menu

“The PlantPure Communities (PPC) Restaurant Campaign is an exciting project,” said Robert Ostfeld, MD, MSc, and Director of Preventive Cardiology at Montefiore. “As a preventive cardiologist, I witness the profound health benefits of a plant-based diet on a daily basis. This innovative campaign increases dining options for those in the plant-based community, and will hopefully introduce thousands, if not millions, of people to delicious and healthy plant-based meals.” Pointing to the National Restaurant Association report that “70% of adults say the availability of healthy menu options would make them choose one restaurant over another,” PPC Executive Director Jody Kass, said: “there is strong and growing momentum — now is the right time to launch this national & global change campaign.”

For more information about the Restaurant Campaign please visit:



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