The Total Health Experience: Eat, Play, Learn
Join us in the Caribbean for a week-long all-inclusive beach immersion.
May 17–24, 2025, Puerto Plata, Dominican Republic
Last year was a year of change. I moved to a different country, got married, and stopped eating animals.
I was hungry for knowledge and eager to cut through all the contradictory alleged health information I had amassed over the years. I wasn’t sure what to believe anymore. I eventually read The China Study, took T. Colin Campbell Foundation’s Plant-Based Nutrition Course, and after a lot of research, finally came to understand what I believe to be the truth about human nutrition. Real, accurate nutritional knowledge, not the widespread beliefs that most of us hold – that our bones need milk; our bodies require protein from animal sources; that carbs are evil and just turn into fat; and that the agricultural sector tells the truth.
I began to change in surprising ways. Science was never a strong suit of mine, and The China Study was challenging for me, but I embraced and soaked up all of the new and amazing knowledge. I never thought I’d take a course on nutrition and become so thoroughly engaged in it that I would begin to make major adjustments to my lifestyle. And I certainly never, ever, thought I’d stop eating animals and animal by-products – especially eggs and cheese – formerly my two favorite things.
I believe passionately in what I have learned, and having gained this knowledge, feel I have no other choice than to live plant-based. I am so very grateful for the understanding I’ve gained, and for the new direction in life.
Part of living a holistically healthy life, for me, means always feeling freedom to do what I want, without the stresses of having too many hard rules to adhere to. So, from a food perspective, that means I consistently choose to eat plant-based. I also recognize the reality that there will be certain occasions when I’ll allow for non-plant-based foods: going to a friend’s for a home-cooked meal, although most of my friends have been amazingly accommodating; traveling to places where plant-based foods are very difficult to find; and at restaurants where meals are often served prepared with butter even when I request that it not be used (my now finely-tuned palate can detect it!)
Finally getting rid of my eczema which tortured me for 15 years; moderate weight loss; the end of feeling like a cold was coming on every two weeks (i.e. always feeling sick!); recovering twice as fast after yoga classes; and the most incredible change, in my opinion – improved eyesight! Every morning when I put in my lower prescription contact lenses, I am reminded of the amazing power of plants.
This past year of progress, and the thoughtful adoption of different patterns and behaviors, has brought more ‘wholism’ to my life. I embrace my personal vision of holistic health by always keeping these beliefs close:
Nothing in your life will change unless you change elements in your life. Different is good.
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