From Theory to Practice: Sharing the Evidence for a Plant-Based Diet
On the evidence favoring the consumption of a plant-based diet for good health, where do we go from here?
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For decades T. Colin Campbell, PhD has been at the forefront of nutrition education and research. Dr. Campbell’s expertise and scientific interests encompass relationships between diet and disease, particularly the causation of cancer. His legacy, the China Project, is one of the most comprehensive studies of health and nutrition ever conducted. Dr. Campbell is the Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University. He is also the founder of the highly acclaimed, CNS and eCornell Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate and serves as the Chairman of the Board for the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies.
On the evidence favoring the consumption of a plant-based diet for good health, where do we go from here?
While all cancer rates are generally very low in China, stomach cancer leaps out as a glaring exception.
Most of us have heard a great deal about the link between high cholesterol and heart disease. But how many have heard that high blood cholesterol levels are also associated with cancer?
To achieve clarity on the issue of tobacco, we must always remember to look into the nature of relationships-whether it is between competing presidential agendas, between competing causes of the same disease, between competing funding agencies, or whatever.
As every woman knows who rides the wave of shifting hormones, these small, chemical components of our blood can take us for quite a ride – from bloating to hot flashes to depression.
It’s been our goal since the beginning to cut through the glut of available nutrition information and to give you just the pure, unadulterated basics so you can make healthful dietary change.
Every once in a while, when strolling through the grocery store with my wife, Karen, I get up the nerve to look at those nutrient profiles on the side of the package.
I would like to introduce you to my friend Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., a man you will be hearing a lot more about in the coming years. Having won a gold medal (Yale Crew team) in the 1956 Olympics, Dr. Esselstyn quickly advanced to a distinguished career in surgery at the renowned Cleveland Clinic Foundation. … Continued
I would like to turn your attention toward a nagging question about foods, namely carcinogens in foods. We hear so much about them but what, really, are they? Mainly we’ve heard that carcinogens cause cancer and anticarcinogens prevent cancer.