China Project History Part 3: An Unprecedented Collaboration
…Dr. Campbell to come to Cornell to give a seminar on his recently published seminal work on the preventable causes of cancer. I learned that a Reader is like a…
…Dr. Campbell to come to Cornell to give a seminar on his recently published seminal work on the preventable causes of cancer. I learned that a Reader is like a…
Only after diagnosis did I begin learning how certain foods can help prevent, fight, and even reverse various cancers. Beyond Cancer introduces the reader to the whats, whys, and hows…
…carbohydrate intake (77% of calories) were 28% more likely to die from non-CVD causes (e.g. cancer, respiratory diseases, infectious disease) during the study than those with the lowest carbohydrate intake…
…natural killer cells) were more active in the plant-based group. This suggests increased protection against not only RTI, but also cancer[21]. In fact, an earlier study from Australia reported that…
…radically changed his diet during the making of my film in 2012 after a cancer diagnosis. His condition improved and he is fine today despite the negative prognosis of doctors…
…with experimental research on the association of nutrition with cancer, all of which was generously supported by public funding (mostly from the U.S. National Cancer Institute of NIH) and which…
…advantage’. Any weight loss that you do manage to achieve on a ketogenic diet comes at the cost of a higher risk of death, especially from heart disease and cancer….
…doi:10.7326/M19-1621 World Health Organization (WHO). Cancer: Carcinogenicity of the consumption of red meat and processed meat. October 26, 2015. Online access: Qian F, Riddle MC, Wylie-Rosett J, Hu FB….
…levels and less progression to treatment in men with low-grade prostate cancer choosing ‘watchful waiting’ [8], improved glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus [9], and reductions in symptoms and…