What We Eat Can Reduce The Effects of Lead Poisoning
What We Eat Can Reduce The Effects of Lead Poisoning

…Lead Poisoning Iron: Beans, dark green vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains[11] Calcium: Green leafy vegetables, legumes, and calcium-fortified orange or apple juice[12] Vitamin C: Broccoli, dark leafy…

How a Heart Attack Saved My Life
How a Heart Attack Saved My Life

…my lifestyle, eating and exercise habits would be in order. YA THINK!? The more I researched the more sense it made to eat fruits, vegetables and whole grains along with…

The Art of Aging: Setbacks and Successes
The Art of Aging: Setbacks and Successes

…disease, strokes, and diabetes. You’ve heard it before. Increase whole, unrefined plant foods and decrease low-nutrient sugars, fats, and animal products. Increase nutritionally dense dark green and orange vegetables, whole…

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