The Health Impacts of Fish & Seafood: An Incomplete Story
Is fish really as healthy as we are told? While high in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats, fish may also contain disease-promoting and toxic compounds.
The Health Impacts of Fish & Seafood: An Incomplete Story
Is fish really as healthy as we are told? While high in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats, fish may also contain disease-promoting and toxic compounds.
Should Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women Take DHA Supplements?
Does maternal supplementation with the long-chain omega-3 fatty acid DHA improve psychomotor, mental, visual, or physical development of infants?
Plants Have All the Power We Need
Marco Borges, author of The Greenprint, works with many athletes, entertainers, and avid exercisers who have switched to a plant-based diet for all the health and athletic performance benefits it provides.
Combating Stroke with Nutrition
Every 40 seconds, someone has a stroke in the U.S. Research participants with the highest adherence to a whole food, plant-based pattern were able to reduce their risk of stroke by as much as 30 percent.
Is Fish Part of a Healthy Diet?
Many healthy diets around the world contain fish, but are they the reason why the diets are healthy? Are there any adverse health effects of eating fish that you should worry about?
Plant-Based Grocery Shopping Guide
Plant-based food shopping made easy. This guide will help you get started.
Dr. Campbell’s Recommendations for Dietary Guidelines
Submitted to the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee on April 30, 2015. In 1980, the first report by the Dietary Guidelines (DG) Advisory Committee was authored … Continued
A Fallacious, Faulty and Foolish Discussion About Saturated Fat
The New York Times has done it again, reporting on a summary of studies on the associations of various dietary and clinical risk factors with heart disease in a way that creates, in my opinion, more confusion than clarity.
How Can I Lower My Triglycerides?
Q: I am a healthy weight and recently changed my diet to a vegan diet. Since then, my doctor has told me that my triglycerides are high: they are 215. Why are they high? What can I do, and is it important for me to improve these numbers?
Is Coconut Oil Healthy or Hazardous?
I’m not quite sure why people think there is something magically healthy about coconut oil. I think it is because it tastes good, and therefore the misinformation is easier to swallow. For several years now, coconut oil has been marketed as the new wonder oil, a cure-all with health benefits ranging from antimicrobial properties (such … Continued
Separating fact from fantasy about this important subject!