Beef Tallow for Health: A Political-Commercial Farce
Is beef tallow healthy? Setting the record straight on all the press and speculation.
Beef Tallow for Health: A Political-Commercial Farce
Is beef tallow healthy? Setting the record straight on all the press and speculation.
What Makes Animal Protein High Quality?
How have different proteins been measured historically, and are these measures useful when assessing the healthfulness of foods today? And, is animal protein high-quality?
Can You Boost Your Brainpower with Plant-Based Nutrition?
I was reminded recently of the 2011 science fiction thriller Limitless, which tells the story of a struggling author, played by Bradley Cooper, who takes a drug that unleashes his full mental capacity for the first time. You might remember the premise—that we typically only use a small percentage of our brainpower—which I suspect could … Continued
Dr. Denis Burkitt: A Wide Angle View of the Proverbial Elephant
I don’t know about you, but I am still feeling rather sad about the untimely passing of Dr. McDougall. I guess I had been counting on him being around for another couple of decades. Before his passing, I’d seen only a couple interviews and had never read his books. So it felt appropriate and consoling … Continued
How Did the Carnivore Diet Become So Popular?
I recently wrote about the carnivore diet: what it is, the claimed health benefits, and what the short- and long-term evidence suggests about its healthfulness. I suggest reading that article for context before continuing here. To put it mildly, the evidence favoring a carnivore diet is not convincing. Anyone hoping for proof that this is … Continued
The Carnivore Diet: What Does the Evidence Say?
The carnivore diet is among the latest and most extreme examples of the low-carbohydrate fad, weaving together several ideas generally associated with the paleo and keto diets specifically: that some of our human ancestors relied heavily on animal products (and that animal products must, therefore, be optimal for our health), that carbohydrates are not our … Continued
Hormone Replacement Therapy and the Opioid Epidemic: When Standard Therapies Become Dangerous
What is a standard therapy and why do we care?[1] Used interchangeably with phrases like best practice, standard medical care, standard therapy, and standard of care, this term refers to “the degree of care a prudent and reasonable person would exercise under the circumstances.”[2] In medicine, it is what medical experts and healthcare professionals generally … Continued
Diminishing Returns in the Pursuit of a Cure for Cancer
Exploring what cutting-edge cancer research looks like today and what we can learn from viewing it through the lens of Dr. Campbell’s research on cancer.
This excerpt discusses the inadequate level of nutrition-related knowledge typical in our society that is leading to overall nutrition confusion in today’s society.
Toxic Superfoods is Toxic Misinformation
When I see a patient with a kidney stone, I typically ask for their dietary history. Sometimes the patient only offers a non-committal response that they eat a balanced diet. But we have a saying in nephrology: “The urine does not lie.” A particularly memorable urine sample from a petite teenage boy with a painful … Continued
Lifestyle Modifications to Help You Navigate Menopause
Menopause is a natural transition and not something to be afraid of. It can be a source of stress and discomfort, but with the correct menopause diet and healthy lifestyle, you can navigate it with ease.
You Are What You Eat: What Does the 2023 Stanford Twins Nutrition Study Really Show?
A four-part documentary series about the twin study, You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment, debuted on Netflix. It has drummed up quite a lot of attention. The results certainly support the adoption of a plant-based diet, but there is still something lacking in the message they are sharing.
This short excerpt from Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition addresses a common question: Is it necessary to be 100 percent adherent to a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet 100 percent of the time?
Assessing the Top Nutrition Trends: Beyond 2023
What do the top 2024 nutrition trends say? Do they represent a coherent shift in public views of health and nutrition, or are they only incidentally related? Might we synthesize any general observations from them?
Assessing the Top Nutrition Trends of 2023 (Part Two)
By analyzing 2023 nutrition trends, we can gain insights into a population’s collective mindset and preferences. What might they say about the future?
Assessing the Top Nutrition Trends of 2023 (Part One)
It’s often helpful to take a step back and look at trends. As indicators of the prevailing sentiments and interests within a society, they offer a compelling snapshot of broad cultural attitudes at a given time. Here we analyze the top 2023 nutritional trends.
Aspartame—Friend or Foe? Here’s What the Research Says
Aspartame is popular among people looking for a sugarless route to satisfying their sweet tooth, including people with diabetes, people on sugar-restricting diets like keto, and people who are trying to lose weight. But, is there a link between aspartame and cancer risk?
Should You Take Supplements to Avoid Tooth Loss?
This time of year —with Halloween right around the corner—the damage of junk food, especially sugary candies, will likely be at the forefront of many parents’ minds. But what else should we consider when it comes to oral health?
Alzheimer's Disease affects almost 6 million people, and two-thirds of people with AD are women. It begs the question, why is AD more prevalent in women?
Why Breadth Is Important: A Selection from Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s The Future of Nutrition
This excerpt taken from Dr. Campbell’s The Future of Nutrition (2020) explains why breadth of effect is critical when assessing health and nutrition protocols, and explores how the current reductionist medical paradigm ignores this criterion. To learn more about The Future of Nutrition, read our dedicated webpage. To learn more about reductionism and its alternative, … Continued
Does Caffeine Have a Place in a Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet?
85 percent of Americans consume caffeine every single day. But, is caffeine healthy and does it have a place in a whole food, plant-based diet?
Are We Up to Date? Lessons From an Out-of-Date Medical Resource Program
Is the Medical Resource Program failing us? The problem is not that physicians don’t know how to prevent and reverse chronic illness; the problem is even worse—most health care professionals don’t know it’s possible.
Erythritol, a Bittersweet Ingredient: Are We Better Off Without It?
Erythritol has become a very popular artificial sweetener, with only 6% of the calories but 60–80% of the sweetness of sugar. But is it healthy?
Tailoring the WFPB Diet to Individual Needs and Preferences (Video)
In the following video, Varun Ponmudi—the founder of former CNS grant recipient Aaya’s Table—discusses why it’s necessary to understand and cater to the needs and preferences of the people we work with when trying to facilitate sustainable dietary lifestyle change. This clip covers many critical subjects for ensuring successful, lasting change, whether in a diet … Continued