Fat and Plant-Based Diets
Fat and Plant-Based Diets

…plant based foods in each diet. Although much has been said about the lower cardiovascular and cancer rates among the Mediterranean people, this really means lower than the U.S. and…

Soy…The Rest of the Story
Soy…The Rest of the Story

…finding that this protein, as opposed to milk protein (casein), prevented cancer growth in experimental animals. I soon learned that although many researchers had investigated this soy effect on blood…

Your Transition to Healthful Eating
Your Transition to Healthful Eating

…acknowledged as a significant factor in the evolution of numerous degenerative diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, and kidney disease. The Diet Science Supports The bulk of the…

A Health Disaster in the Making
A Health Disaster in the Making

…perhaps even made worse. Two of three Americans are overweight and ‘adult-onset’ diabetes is now attacking our children. The long-time high rates of various cancers and cardiovascular diseases remain mostly…

Muscling Out the Meat Myth
Muscling Out the Meat Myth

…rates of chronic diseases including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and osteoporosis. Consuming “high-quality” animal protein was taken by these early father figures in nutritional science to mean “civilization itself.” And…

All About Protein
All About Protein

…quality” proteins also efficiently grow cancer cells as well! Deepen your knowledge with our Plant-Based Nutrition Certificate. However, it’s important not to miss the really bizarre point that the current…

Where Do You Get Your Protein?
Where Do You Get Your Protein?

…much of the cancer-causing benzopyrene as 600 cigarettes.[13] The heating of any fat, including the fats in animal products, can cause peroxidation and the formation of free radicals, extremely reactive…

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