Essential Facts about Fats
Essential Facts about Fats

…variable addition of raw nuts and seeds, whole grains, and legumes. It excludes all meat, fish, fowl, eggs, and dairy products, as well as added oil, salt, and sugar, and…

Where Do You Get Your Protein?
Where Do You Get Your Protein?

dairy industry advertising would have you believe, it is the excess of protein, not a deficiency, that threatens our health. Excess protein intake has been strongly implicated as a causal…

How Does Animal Protein Stress the Kidneys?
How Does Animal Protein Stress the Kidneys?

…on this topic: “Urolithiasis [kidney stone formation] is a worldwide problem which appears to be aggravated by the high dairy-produce, highly energy-rich and low-fibre diets consumed in most industrialized countries…Evidence…

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