Topics » In The Kitchen » Spectacular Summer Salad Recipes
T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies

As summer ends, produce markets and greengrocers are overflowing with the season’s bounty. They’re at the top of their game, and we can be too, because it’s the perfect time to enjoy lots of fresh healthy salads.

After all, it makes sense to maximize our intake of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet.

Where do you fall on the Salad Spectrum? Maybe you’d like to eat more salads, but don’t know how to make a great one at home. Or perhaps you chew on salads day and night, but struggle to keep them exciting and delicious.

Either way, we’ve got you covered with little inspiration to spice up your salad repertoire. Whether your salad is going straight into the lunchbox, taking center stage at a potluck, or nourishing friends and family at home, here are a few tips that promise fabulous, nutritious creations.

  • Make a habit of using lots of fresh leafy greens.
  • For variety, choose vegetables with bright, contrasting colors, textures, and flavors.
  • Include ingredients with a satisfying crunch, like crispy carrots or celery, or add a sprinkling of raw pumpkin seeds or toasted walnuts.
  • Invite a “guest ingredient” to liven up your salad experience – something unexpected, like black beans, roasted vegetables, or cooked quinoa.
  • Insist on zero added oils. In fact, avoid extracted oils like the plague, to keep your endothelial cells nice and healthy. “No thanks” to conventional salad dressings, greasy olive oil, or goopy mayonnaise.

Summer Salad Recipes

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