What Makes Animal Protein High Quality?
How have different proteins been measured historically, and are these measures useful when assessing the healthfulness of foods today? And, is animal protein high-quality?
What Makes Animal Protein High Quality?
How have different proteins been measured historically, and are these measures useful when assessing the healthfulness of foods today? And, is animal protein high-quality?
Dr. Denis Burkitt: A Wide Angle View of the Proverbial Elephant
I don’t know about you, but I am still feeling rather sad about the untimely passing of Dr. McDougall. I guess I had been counting on him being around for another couple of decades. Before his passing, I’d seen only a couple interviews and had never read his books. So it felt appropriate and consoling … Continued
This excerpt discusses the inadequate level of nutrition-related knowledge typical in our society that is leading to overall nutrition confusion in today’s society.
Toxic Superfoods is Toxic Misinformation
When I see a patient with a kidney stone, I typically ask for their dietary history. Sometimes the patient only offers a non-committal response that they eat a balanced diet. But we have a saying in nephrology: “The urine does not lie.” A particularly memorable urine sample from a petite teenage boy with a painful … Continued
New to an Oil-Free Diet? Here’s What You Need to Know
The amount of information published about oil can be overwhelming. Is it good for you? Is it bad for you? Is going oil free really even possible? We set the record straight with research fresh from the experts.
This short excerpt from Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition addresses a common question: Is it necessary to be 100 percent adherent to a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet 100 percent of the time?
Why Breadth Is Important: A Selection from Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s The Future of Nutrition
This excerpt taken from Dr. Campbell’s The Future of Nutrition (2020) explains why breadth of effect is critical when assessing health and nutrition protocols, and explores how the current reductionist medical paradigm ignores this criterion. To learn more about The Future of Nutrition, read our dedicated webpage. To learn more about reductionism and its alternative, … Continued
Does Caffeine Have a Place in a Whole Food, Plant-Based Diet?
85 percent of Americans consume caffeine every single day. But, is caffeine healthy and does it have a place in a whole food, plant-based diet?
Erythritol, a Bittersweet Ingredient: Are We Better Off Without It?
Erythritol has become a very popular artificial sweetener, with only 6% of the calories but 60–80% of the sweetness of sugar. But is it healthy?
Can a Plant-Based Diet Prevent Cognitive Decline?
A plant-based diet may improve health and prevent cognitive deterioration. Want to lower your risk of chronic diseases and preserve your brain health? Try a plant-based diet today.
Life Without Coffee (Or Less of It) – 3 Tips to Lower Caffeine Intake
Coffee does have some health benefits when consumed in moderation. Unfortunately, coffee can have negative effects as well. Too much caffeine can lead to headaches, anxiety, insomnia, and high blood pressure.