Arthritis and Joint Pain
Arthritis and Joint Pain

Learn how to live without this debilitating disease! People in non-western cultures who eat diets low in animal fat and protein have much lower incidences of all types of arthritis!…

A Health Disaster in the Making
A Health Disaster in the Making

…growing food industry offering up a buffet of protein-rich, fat-rich, processed foods. We now have overwhelming evidence to show that a plant-based diet of whole foods, low in fat and…

Avoiding Breast Cancer with Diet
Avoiding Breast Cancer with Diet

…higher breast cancer risk. More Than “Just Fat” On the other side of the coin, low-fat, plant-rich diets retard the onset of menstruation and decrease circulating hormone levels. Fat and…

What Is the Ketogenic Diet?
What Is the Ketogenic Diet?

…small numbers of participants and only children were included in 10 of the 11 studies, therefore, we judged the quality of the evidence to be low to very low. There…

Food Choices: What to Avoid and Why
Food Choices: What to Avoid and Why

…the scientific literature dealing with nutrition. Fish, fowl and fat Because animal products are so high in fat, segments of the “food” industry are advertising their products as “lower” in…

More Plants on the Plate
More Plants on the Plate

…table below right.) Most Americans would benefit from eating more legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, and eating fewer protein-rich foods containing saturated fats or added fats. A common misconception…

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