True Health Care is A Proper Education
True Health Care is A Proper Education

…of a high-fat, high-protein, high-cholesterol animal-based diet has caused levels of diseases that are common in America to rise drastically among the Japanese people ever since they adopted this diet…

Cancer in China vs. United States
Cancer in China vs. United States

…diet. A diet comprised of low fat and low animal-based foods, as in a 10-15% fat vegan diet, allows for a small but highly significant adjustment upwards of energy expenditure,…

No Whey, Man. I’ll Pass on the Protein Powder
No Whey, Man. I’ll Pass on the Protein Powder

…consumption of casein, cancer tumor cells recede.[1] I later learned that elevated levels of protein can also cause kidney damage, liver problems, kidney stones, excess fat gain, contribute to the…

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