Boston Romaine Salad
The key to this delicious salad is to use two types of leafy greens along with fruit and pine nuts to compliment the other vegetables….
The key to this delicious salad is to use two types of leafy greens along with fruit and pine nuts to compliment the other vegetables….
Nara’s guidelines for a great salad include two or more types of leafy greens mixed with fruit, seeds, nuts, and vegetables….
…had to make adaptations to his usual protocol which included meat in addition to high levels of vegetables and omega 3s and high hydration. The combination of the super-nourishing aspects…
…a member. He says that “lectins are found not only in grains like wheat but also in the ‘gluten-free’ foods like … many fruits, vegetables, nuts, beans and conventional dairy…
…people have this awful disease: grandparents, parents, children, aunts, uncles, etc. Now imagine that one person in the family who prefers eating vegetables and salads, is slim and fit. Would…
…them, I am not supposed to follow any diet except the one I grew up eating: mainly a southern cuisine of greasy fried foods, vegetables heavily endowed with dairy, creams,…
…blueberries and cruciferous vegetables preventing cancer when, in reality, a large number of similar plant-based foods can do the same thing. We hear that omega-3 fats prevent cancer, mental disorders,…
…as 1985, it was suggested that fruit and vegetables may protect against early death.[13] Multiple subsequent studies also observed decreased risk of early death with higher fruit consumption. Indeed a…