Weight Loss With Plants Episode 3 – Al Schmidt
Al’s story proves that it’s never too late to make a dietary change. At 80, he overcame his crippling cardiac disease with WFPB nutrition, and he’s still going strong!
Weight Loss With Plants Episode 3 – Al Schmidt
Al’s story proves that it’s never too late to make a dietary change. At 80, he overcame his crippling cardiac disease with WFPB nutrition, and he’s still going strong!
Never Too Late: Reversing My Heart Disease on a WFPB Diet at 80
Al Schmidt shows you’re never too old to make changes to reverse heart disease. Although it was a bumpy road getting there, Al has found he loves eating plant-based — for the results and the taste of it!
I Reversed My Type 2 Diabetes With a Plant-Based Diet & Help From My Mom
Which sounds better—a lifetime of prescription drugs, or a fast-acting dietary lifestyle change that only has positive side effects?
Healthcare vs Disease Response System – Part 2
The American healthcare system does not focus on establishing healthful behavior, but on responding to disease, and it relies on technology to do so. Trends in life expectancy and chronic disease incidence rates suggest that this disease response system is not very effective, despite improvements in some areas of response.
Is Saturated Fat Really That Bad?
Dr. Campbell responds to twelve researchers who recently published a major review on the health effects of saturated fat which is mostly found in meat, milk, and eggs.
My Journey Back To Health: From Code Blue to Plant-Based & Thriving
After a heart attack and emergency bypass surgery Sherry learned about whole food, plant-based eating which lowered her cholesterol and reversed her heart disease. She is now on a mission to wipe out heart disease.
Treating Sleep Apnea With Diet and Lifestyle
What is sleep apnea? What are the causes and treatments? How can a whole food, plant-based lifestyle help?
The Quality of Your Plant-Based Diet Matters for Heart Disease Risk
Study shows patients with a history of cardiac events or a high risk for cardiovascular disease have a stronger recommendation for the more strict plant-based diet.
A Goal of (Profitable) Mediocrity in the Fight Against Heart Disease: The APOC3 Mutation Story.
On June 19th, an article in the New York Times titled, “In Single Gene, a Path to Fight Heart Attacks,” …
The truth be told, coronary artery disease, the most common form of heart disease which is responsible for heart attacks need never exist and if it does exist, it need never progress. How can one make that statement when coronary disease is the leading killer &heilp;
How Can I Lower My Triglycerides?
Q: I am a healthy weight and recently changed my diet to a vegan diet. Since then, my doctor has told me that my triglycerides are high: they are 215. Why are they high? What can I do, and is it important for me to improve these numbers?
Managing and Preventing High Blood Pressure
Learning to Live Without It. What is the epidemic condition that causes more death and disability in industrialized countries than any other? What is the leading reason for visits to doctors and the single biggest justification for drug prescriptions?
Reversing Heart Disease with Diet
I would like to introduce you to my friend Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, Jr., a man you will be hearing a lot more about in the coming years. Having won a gold medal (Yale Crew team) in the 1956 Olympics, Dr. Esselstyn quickly advanced to a distinguished career in surgery at the renowned Cleveland Clinic Foundation. … Continued