“Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence.”


Vegetables spread across a wooden cutting board
Topics » Social Issues » Page 3

Community Is an Essential Health Need

Psychologists and sociologists have long known how important a sense of belonging is for overall welfare. “[It] is a powerful, fundamental, and extremely pervasive motivation,” write the authors of an article published in Psychological Bulletin.[1] Abraham Maslow, the psychologist famous for conceptualizing the hierarchy of needs, which he published in his 1943 paper “A Theory … Continued

Social Issues

Is a Healthy Diet More Expensive?

Perceived expensiveness is the most common deterrent to healthier eating in the US, according to a recent Cleveland Clinic survey, with forty-six percent of people believing eating healthier costs more.[1] But does this perception match reality? The answer depends, in part, on how we define a healthy diet. Although there are a few evidence-based goals … Continued

Social Issues

Doctors for Nutrition (DFN) Launches Online Plant-Based Nutrition Course for Healthcare Professionals

Doctors For Nutrition (DFN) is an Australasian-based independent charity. Through evidence-based education and outreach, we aim to prevent unnecessary suffering for patients, increase career satisfaction for practitioners, and reduce unsustainable healthcare costs. Evidence shows that a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) eating pattern can prevent, reverse, or significantly reduce the disability caused by the current chronic … Continued

Social Issues

Social Media, Language Justice, and Partnership Helps Our Community “Comer Para Prosperar/ Eat to Thrive!”

Rooted Santa Barbara County (Rooted) and the Foodbank of Santa Barbara County (Foodbank SBC) have formed an innovative education collaboration: utilizing graphic design, animation, video, and the accessibility of social media, our organizations have helped make plant-based nutrition available to our Spanish-preferring neighbors. Our organizations are committed to creating equitable access to education on the … Continued

Social Issues

NAFTA Changed the Face of Mexico’s Food System, Leading to Devastating Public Health Implications for its People

"Eating NAFTA… exposes how changes in policy following NAFTA have fundamentally altered one of the most basic elements of life in Mexico – sustenance. Mexicans face a food system that favors food security over subsistence agriculture, development over sustainability, market participation over social welfare, and ideologies of self-care over public health. Trade agreements negotiated to improve lives have sometimes failed, resulting in unintended consequences for people's everyday lives."

Social Issues

NSS Inc.’s Food Service Programs Provide Access to Alternative Foods with eCommerce

NSS, Inc.’s chief mission is to continue satisfying the basic human need for food, and to do so from the unique perspective of science-based programming. Our food pantry programs are unique in that scientific approach, which we use to ensure that our services are 1) empowering and client-led, 2) nutritionally relevant, and 3) able to account for conditions of poverty (now defined as social determinants of health).

Social Issues

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