3 Missteps in the 2020-2025 USDA Dietary Guidelines
From added sugar to alcohol and saturated fat, the latest edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans fails to provide the best recommendations for human and societal health.
3 Missteps in the 2020-2025 USDA Dietary Guidelines
From added sugar to alcohol and saturated fat, the latest edition of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans fails to provide the best recommendations for human and societal health.
4 Reasons Why Superfoods Can Be Dangerous
The concept of “superfoods” is an old one, but it has become even more popular as sections of society have become more health conscious and desperate to combat chronic lifestyle-related diseases. Unfortunately, this focus on individual foods has downsides, even in the case of legitimately healthful foods.
Top 10 Plant-Based News Stories and Articles of 2019
A year in review, check out the top ten Center for Nutrition Studies news stories and articles in 2019.
Plant-Based Ingredient Substitutions
Not sure how to take eggs, meat or dairy out of recipes to make them healthier? There are plenty of delicious plant-based options.
Top 10 Plant-Based News Stories and Articles of 2018
A year in review, check out the top ten Center for Nutrition Studies news stories and articles in 2018.
Eggs—New Heart Health Food, or Rotten Reporting?
An egg a day to keep the doctor away? A study found a correlation between egg consumption and lower rates of heart disease, but that correlation may be explained by other factors.
Defining Food Groups in Plant-Based Nutrition
More people are choosing to adopt a plant-based lifestyle. But what are you supposed to eat? To help make things easier, we have defined the three food groups.
Plant-Based Grocery Shopping Guide
Plant-based food shopping made easy. This guide will help you get started.
The Inflammation Was Unbearable, Dairy and Eggs Had to Go
I had: GERD, asthma, sinusitis, lethargy, joint pain, brittle nails, horrible periods and was breathless. I had become a shadow of the person I once was.
The Ethics & Science of a Pure Vegan Diet
Research shows that a pure whole food plant-based diet may be ideal, but perfection may not always be the ultimate goal.
Food Lessons from the Dominican Republic
As Rural To Urban Migration Increases And Farmland Goes To Livestock, Global Roots Restores The Land, Builds A Sustainable Community & Reclaims Our Health!
12 Questions Answered Regarding Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is one of the most common topics I get asked about for those interested in a plant-based diet.
The Mystique of Protein and Its Implications
There are three macronutrients in food: carbohydrates, fat and protein, ‘macro’ in the sense that they comprise almost all of the weight and calories of food. Vitamins and minerals are the micronutrients.
Your Transition to Healthful Eating
Well-planned vegetarian diets can provide us with all of the protein, fat, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and calories we need!
Solving Food Pyramid Mysteries
It's been our goal since the beginning to cut through the glut of available nutrition information and to give you just the pure, unadulterated basics so you can make healthful dietary change.