From Plant to Planet: Nudge your way towards healthier, more sustainable food habits (Book Excerpt)
In this excerpt, authors of From Plant to Planet identify and address the most common barriers that prevent dietary lifestyle change.
From Plant to Planet: Nudge your way towards healthier, more sustainable food habits (Book Excerpt)
In this excerpt, authors of From Plant to Planet identify and address the most common barriers that prevent dietary lifestyle change.
Busting Nutrition Myths: How Plant-Based Diets Are Healthy for Children & Families
In the Center for Nutrition Studies’ upcoming Plant Forward Virtual Workshop Series, Dr. Shah will share her insights into how to make a whole food, plant-based diet sustainable for you and your family. Read more about her work and her most recent book, co-authored with Brenda Davis, RD. Nutrition can be a controversial topic. Doctors, … Continued
Book Excerpt: I Am Not a Tractor! How Florida Farmworkers Took On the Fast Food Giants and Won
How did the modest tomato not only help increase farm workers’ wages but also improve their safety and working conditions? This excerpt from the book I Am Not a Tractor! How Florida Farmworkers Took On the Fast Food Giants and Won gives you a teaser into just that.
Book Review: I Am Not a Tractor! How Florida Farmworkers Took On the Fast Food Giants and Won
Food is something we all need, yet the farmworkers who provide our food have historically been treated less than human. Susan Marquis, author of I Am Not a Tractor!, examines how real change can happen when the voiceless are given a microphone.
A personal appeal and book recommendation from Dr. T. Colin Campbell: The Sanity Diet – Why you need to go vegan to stop the madness and help save the world, and how to start a global vegan revolution.
DNA or Dinner? Are Certain Health Conditions a Life Sentence or Can Food Help Reset Your Genes?
There are some things you just don’t accept, and bad health is one of them. My family and my doctor believed that sugar was genetic. Was chronic disease and pain encoded into my DNA? Or was there something else going on?
How I Reversed My Diabetes and Became Healthy at Last
The following is an excerpt from Healthy at Last: A Plant-Based Approach to Preventing and Reversing Diabetes and Other Chronic Illnesses by Eric Adams.
Fiber Fueled – The Key to a Strong Immune System
The power that our gut microbes wield to induce disease or protect us from it can be intimidating, but we are not helpless victims. We have the power of science on our side, which has shown us that we can use diet and lifestyle to rebalance our gut microbes.
Diet & Human Ecology – How to Eat Right & Save the Planet
The wave of the future must lie in a whole food, plant-based diet that takes food preparation out of the factory and into the kitchen. It is the only way to create a healthy planet for both human and non-human life.
Cancer Prevention and Treatment: An Expert Analysis From Dr. Campbell
Bruce Mylrea interviews Dr. T. Colin Campbell to get his thoughts on the progress and current state of cancer prevention and treatment. Read this excerpt on “Who Gets Cancer and Why.”
Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s 8th Principle of Food and Health
Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence. All parts are interconnected.
How Does Livestock-Farming Cause Groundwater Depletion in the Midwest?
It’s crucial that groundwater consumption doesn’t exceed its replenishment by rain. But water-intensive livestock farming is depleting it far faster than it can be refilled.
Our Food Choices and Global Warming
When you look seriously at the numbers, you find that switching from a meat-based to a plant-based diet would do more to curb and reverse global warming than any other initiative.
Reductionist Social Policy – What We Do To Ourselves, We Do To the Earth
When you connect the dots of some of our biggest social, economic, and environmental problems, you can clearly see nutrition looming large as a causal factor and potential solution.
Dr. T. Colin Campbell’s 1st Principle of Food and Health
T. Colin Campbell, PhD, co-author of the best-selling book “The China Study” has been dedicated to the science of human health for more than 60 years. From this lifetime of work, he has developed eight principles of food and health.
Urgent Alarms From Our Planet – OUTCRY Foreword by Mother Nature Herself
This book excerpt from OUTCRY, Urgent Alarms From Our Planet and What We Can Do About Them, is the book’s foreword as written by Mother Nature herself. Her message is addressed to the billions of humans who reside in the developed nations of planet Earth.
Mastering Diabetes – Green, Yellow, Red Light Foods to Reverse Insulin Resistance
To make your transition to a low-fat plant-based whole-food diet as straightforward as possible, we created a three-part system to help you easily identify which foods to eat in abundance, which foods to minimize, and which foods to eliminate altogether.
When ‘Healthy Eating’ Becomes Bad for Your Mind
Eating more healthfully is a solution—not a problem, yet some people can turn the desire for optimal wellness into an obsession called orthorexia nervosa.
The Scoop on the Habit Loop – How to Create Healthy Habits
The Trigger-Behavior-Reward sequence is known as the habit loop. It’s a loop because every time you experience the reward after performing a habit, it strengthens the relationship between the trigger and the behavior. Read on to learn more.
It’s Not Difficult to Be Vegan – Making the Change and Rethinking Protein
Go Vegan by Marlene Watson-Tara is vibrant and colorful recipe guide book with key information. This excerpt will inspire people about vegan nutrition.
Plants Have All the Power We Need
Marco Borges, author of The Greenprint, works with many athletes, entertainers, and avid exercisers who have switched to a plant-based diet for all the health and athletic performance benefits it provides.
7 Anti-Aging Hacks for a Longer and Healthier Life
Slow the hands of time and age with more grace, energy and vitality with 248 strategies that encompass diet, fitness, beauty, and lifestyle. In this book excerpt, Asp shares 8 of her favorite lifestyle hacks.
Smart Parent’s Guide to Why Kids Should Not Have Dairy Products
Why are parents so set on introducing dairy to their infants? Pediatricians have been taught that dairy is essential, but is it actually harmful to children’s health?
Eating Right: 8 Principles of Food and Health
The 8 principles from this abbreviated chapter of The China Study are important lessons about food, health, and disease.