“Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence.”


Vegetables spread across a wooden cutting board
Topics » Food Sustainability

Fish Farming and Aquatic Life

Aquatic ecosystems worldwide are facing severe challenges according to nearly every available metric. Recent reports indicate that shark and stingray populations have been halved since 1970, trends which echo earlier studies showing a 49% decline in fish populations between 1970 and 2012.[1][2] Today, nearly 90% of global marine fish stocks are fully exploited, overexploited, or … Continued

Food Sustainability

Lifeless Soils Will Be the Death of Us

The world’s topsoil is endangered. About a decade ago, a senior UN official made the widely-publicized claim that this most important natural resource, on which our survival depends, will be gone within 60 years if current rates of soil loss continue.[1] “The causes of soil destruction include chemical-heavy farming techniques, deforestation which increases erosion, and … Continued

Food Sustainability

Three Often Overlooked Hazards of Animal Agriculture

Many people know that animal agriculture is far less environmentally sustainable and that diets containing excessive amounts of animal-based foods compromise our health in numerous ways. Most of our resources at the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies (CNS) relate to these concerns (you can learn more about Food and Sustainability or Plant-Based Nutrition … Continued

Food Sustainability

5 Greta Thunberg-Inspired Ways To Be an Environmentalist

History was made in 2019 when 17-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg was nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for her efforts combating climate change. She subsequently won TIME’s 2019 Person of the Year for her environmental activism. Greta is known for being a headstrong environmentalist, but what many people don’t know is that she is … Continued

Food Sustainability

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