“Good nutrition creates health in all areas of our existence.”


Vegetables spread across a wooden cutting board

Normal Numbers Don’t Equal Good Health

A few years ago, I had a conversation with my aunt that went something like this: Me: “I didn’t know you had high blood pressure.” Aunt: “I don’t” Me: “But I see these medications for high blood pressure on your counter.” Aunt: “Yes, I take them and now I don’t have high blood pressure.” Turns … Continued

In The Kitchen

Oversaturation of Fat in the Media

We have known for decades that fatty foods are anything but good for you, but recent media reports glorifying saturated have caused confusion. Do not be fooled. There is nothing healthful about butter, bacon, cheese, or steak. Saturated fat poses numerous severe health risks of which everyone should be aware. This recent confusion over saturated fat may be a result of people trying to blame carbs for the nation’s weight problems—even though the country’s grain intake is actually far lower than what it once was.

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