Recipes » Salads » Cucumber, Dulse and Dill Pickled Salad
T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies


  • 1 cup firmly packed dulse sea vegetable
  • 3 medium red onions, cut into half moon slivers
  • 12 cucumbers, peeled and sliced into thin rounds
  • 6 Tbsp brown rice vinegar
  • 4 Tbsp umeboshi plum vinegar
  • 4 Tbsp brown rice syrup
  • 10 scallions, diced small
  • 1 small bunch of dill, minced


  • 1. Soak dulse in 1 cup of water for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • 2. Bring approximately 2 quarts of water to boil. Quickly blanch the red onions, just until cooked through. Cool by immersing in cold water, and then drain.
  • 3. Remove the dulse from soaking water and chop. You do not need the rich soaking water from the dulse, but it can feed your houseplants.
  • 4. Mix vinegars and syrup with cucumbers, onions, and dulse.
  • 5. Fold scallions and dill into the cucumber mixture.
  • 6. Keep in a cool place until ready to serve.

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